What If You Could Make
Hair Loss A Thing Of The Past?


Hair is made of two main parts: the follicle, which is the part of your hair that is in your scalp or skin, and the hair shaft. That’s the part we lovingly brush and style.

The hair shaft runs through the scalp and is connected to the part of your hair called the hair follicle. The follicle is alive. It is what produces hair cells, that make your hair long and thick and shiny.

The larger and the healthier your hair follicle is, and the longer it keeps creating new cells, the thicker your hair will be, the faster it will grow, the stronger your hair will be, the more color it will have, and the shinier and glossier it will be.

The problem you’re facing is that your #1 hair loss trigger is destroying your hair follicle.


The other thing you haven’t been told is that there are TWO parts to hair loss. The first part is common to all hair loss. But the second part is like a hair loss accelerator. If this first part was a fire, the second part is like pouring gasoline on the fire.

The first part of your trigger is something called DHT. DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone. And 96% of ALL hair loss is caused by this hormone.

Where does it come from? Well, both women and men produce testosterone in their bodies. Women just produce much less of it than men do. Now, the cells of your scalp, create an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. And this enzyme turns some of your testosterone into DHT. When DHT attaches to your hair follicle, it starts to block your hair follicle from getting its food.

This form of starvation causes the follicle to shrink.

And THAT is what makes your hair shaft thinner and finer.

As you can see, DHT starts to force the follicle to move closer to the surface and detach from the blood vessels that supply food to your hair. And as a result, the hair wastes away and just falls out with simple brushing, or combing, or showering.

It’s like your hair is strangled to death.

Now, the second part of your hair loss trigger describes HOW you are losing your hair. It’s the pattern your hair loss follows. And most importantly, it is what determines the best way to reboot your hair growth.



Before we go through each of these 4 hair loss triggers, this is what you want to note down:

First, it is common for you to have symptoms of more than one.

Second, it’s also common to progress from one trigger to another.

And it’s for that reason you want to make sure you learn about each of the triggers fully.

Hyperinsulemia Hair Loss Trigger

The first hair loss trigger is the most common one. It’s called the Hyperinsulinemia Hair Loss Hair Trigger. It shows up differently for men and women.

For men, it shows up as Male Pattern Baldness. Hair loss is mainly on the front hairline and temples, around the crown, on the top, or on the top AND the front of the head.

For women, it is less obvious. Unless you’re a woman who has it.

Women suffering with this trigger experience hair loss and thinning mostly on the top of their head, their hair part is getting wider over time, and in some cases, there is a receding hairline on the front and at the temples.

Stress-Induced Hair Loss

Next is Stress-Induced Hair Loss. Otherwise called Telogen Effluvium.

What’s unique about those who have this trigger is that they tend to have a sudden period of shedding that followed a stressful event or prolonged period of stress. About 6 weeks to three months after the stressful event is usually when the phenomenon called Stress-Induced Hair Loss begins.

And it is possible to lose handfuls of hair at a time when this trigger is full-blown.

What It Looks Like It can fall out evenly throughout the scalp, or it can fall out in a specific area. There is usually no hair line recession, except in a few rare chronic cases.

Hypothyroid Hair Loss Trigger

What’s unique to those with Hypothyroid Hair Loss Trigger is that they tend to have thinning (either mild or extreme) all over their head. This includes the top, the sides and the back.

And their hair is very dry, frizzy, and breaks easily.

There is much less “hair volume” and your scalp is showing more than it used to.

Hypothyroidism basically means your “thyroid” is not making enough thyroid hormones. Your thyroid, this tiny butterfly-shaped gland, influences virtually every organ system in the body. And it causes a range of symptoms like:

Inflammation Hair Loss Trigger

Last is Inflammation-Induced Hair Loss. People with this hair loss trigger tend to have hair falling out in patches. It is often in random places. Sometimes it fills in and a new patch forms in another place on your scalp. This is because parts of your scalp are getting inflamed and this is speeding up your hair loss in certain locations.

What Causes It
Inflammation is caused when your immune system believes a part of your body is under attack. Inflammation is basically your body’s response to invading microorganisms. When it comes to hair loss, your body mistakenly treats hair follicles as ‘foreign objects’ and destroys them.


A Revolutionary Breakthrough In Hair Loss Science

Before we go through each of these 4 hair loss triggers, this is what you want to note down:

After a massive amount of research, and years of study and testing, the makers of UltraFX10 were able to develop a unique formula that incorporates clinically proven ingredients at the correct doses to address the various “hair loss triggers” killing your hair.

These powerful, all-natural ingredients include:

Quebrachol is a powerful nutrient that has been shown in double-blind tests to naturally stop your body from converting testosterone into DHT.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study – the strongest kind of study that can be done – was conducted to determine the effect of Quebrachol on DHT and hair loss. The study included twenty-six people ages 23-64, all of whom were LOSING THEIR HAIR because of DHT. Half of them were given Quebrachol and the other half were given a placebo.

EVERYONE who took Quebrachol saw their hair loss stop dead in its tracks.

Coenzyme R
The name is similar to CoenzymeQ10. This one is called Coenzyme R.

Here’s why it is a Godsend: Remember your hair shaft? Well, it’s made of a special form of protein called Keratin. And, according to Harvard University, Coenzyme R breaks down the food you eat, and converts it into exactly what your body needs to form Keratin. In other words, Coenzyme R turns your food into the BUILDING BLOCKS of thick, full, healthy hair.

Imagine, every time you take a bite of your favorite food, you’re automatically fueling your own internal hair-growth machine.

When you combine Coenzyme R with Quebrachol, you’ve got a natural hair restoration combination that is like nothing else.

In addition to these 2 powerful ingredients, UltraFX10 comprises of an additional 11 MORE unique substances, specifically:

4 DHT blockers to save your hair from shrinking, thinning, and starving
9 Hair Builders to help you grow full, thick, robust hair that looks amazing

When put together in just the right amounts, you’ve got a one-of-a-kind hair solution that is changing lives around the world.